Chicken and Turkeys

So, this is pretty self explanatory. There are chickens and turkeys in game and they look pretty much like the wild counterparts. There are literally hundreds of different breeds of the domesticated Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) and originated from a wild jungle fowl (Red Junglefowl - Gallus gallus) a member of the pheasant family.
The quest for Old Hillpaw where you find his prized chicken is a lot of fun. Here I am about o dunk an amorous rooster.
Unused Poultry

Of the poultry we have yet to see Ducks and even more so Geese would make excellent hunter pets or maybe a final boss in the dungeon. Why you ask? Because they are the spawn of the devil. Few animals can be more aggressive than a goose or a swan with an attitude. They are evil - I submit this picture as proof.