...clever girl.
Pteranodons were not considered a dinosaur, but a tailless Late Cretaceous Pterosaur. They had wingspans up to 27ft. I was recently pointed in the direction of Dr Mark Witton who has done a wealth of research on these guys (getting his PHD) and you can find more awesome information here! I am amazed at the variety of these winged reptiles.
These guys are a pretty fair representation of their real life counterparts. Dimetrodons preceded the earliest dinosaurs by more than 40 million years but physically it looked a lot like one. It is often referred to as mammal-like reptile, based on characteristics of the skull and dentition.
New in MoP!
Patch 5.2 brought us the Isle of Thunder and the Isle pf Giants and that means more awesome dinosaurs! Triceratops are here and looking amazing. There are also new flying dinosaurs that look like a cross between pterosaurs and Toruk (great leonopteryx) from Avatar. The Triceratops can be both mounts and hunter pets. Here's advice on how to tame them. Thank you Blizzard!
Oh yeah...and then there's this guy...
Which resulted in...
Wait a minute...I've seen this before...